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2023设计周 | 风口即在,纳来瓷砖之所在

2023-12-09 来源:中国陶瓷网 责任编辑:刘观梅 阅读:2919
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2023广州设计周 ╳ 纳来



01 国际品牌

纳来集团成立于意大利米兰,是一家整合生产和销售瓷砖,提供优质生活灵感的国际瓷砖集团企业。自集团创立以来的14年里,常驻博洛尼亚等各大国际展会,时刻洞察国际风尚,对国际市场潮流动向了如指掌。 The Nanogress Group, established in Milan, Italy, is an international tile conglomerate that integrates production and sales, offering high-quality lifestyle-inspired tiles. Over the 14 years since its founding, the group has been a regular participant in major international exhibitions like Bologna, keeping a keen eye on global trends and mastering the dynamics of the international market.

凭借来自意大利的国际基因和前瞻性的国际视野,纳来瓷砖以独特的国际化风格进行整体品牌输出,从中国乃至全球进行全面布局。目前已在全球100多个国家和地区设立品牌专营店,在中国市场也已积累了近百个经销网点,且单个经销商平均年提货量100万以上。 With international genes from Italy and a forward-looking global perspective, Nanogress Tiles employ a distinctive international style for comprehensive brand outreach, spanning from China to the entire globe. Currently, the brand has established exclusive stores in over 100 countries and regions globally, accumulating nearly a hundred distribution points in the Chinese market alone, with an average annual delivery volume exceeding 1 million for individual distributors.



02 品类齐全

纳来瓷砖在产品研发创新方面拥有意大利和中国两大卓越设计研发中心,并坚持以独具匠心的原创设计为核心。勇于突破艺术与生活边界,为家居设计注入独特的魅力和灵感。 Nanogress Tiles boast outstanding design and innovation capabilities with two excellent design and development centers in Italy and China. The brand adheres to original and ingenious design as its core, fearlessly pushing boundaries between art and life, infusing unique charm and inspiration into home design.


Nanogress Tiles not only pursue extraordinary and unique designs but also emphasize the use of advanced craftsmanship and technology, dedicated to creating top-notch quality and texture. Perfectly presenting the details of their products, Nanogress adds higher added value through exquisite craftsmanship, establishing itself as a leader in the field of product design.

03 九大原创产品系列




Based on a meticulous grasp of international trends and in-depth analysis of the domestic market, Nanogress Tiles has created nine original product series: Limestone, Quark Stone, Nano-matt marmo, Rock Series, Cement Series, Wood Series, Marmo Series, Terrazzo Series, and Discovery Series. Many of these classics have stood the test of time, with a lifespan extending over several years, consistently leading in annual sales.

04 十大核心技术工艺

05 库存稳定


In the production sector, Nanogress Tiles has established a modern smart manufacturing center in China, introducing cutting-edge imported production lines and selecting top-notch ceramic raw materials from both domestic and international sources. Through rigorous control and continuous upgrades of the production process and environment, we have forged best-selling fine matte tiles globally. Implementing intelligent inventory management, we maintain a stable SKU inventory, exceeding 500,000 boxes and 700,000 square meters of regular stock, ensuring a worry-free supply.




06 风口产品




Adapting to the changes of the times and the rapid evolution of trends, Nanogress Tiles consistently keeps pace with the times. By continuously updating and iterating their product offerings, they stand at the forefront, leading global fashion. Choosing the right trends and mastering them makes Nanogress a winner in life.


From the "Industry's First Release of Italy Rock Series" in 2013 to the viral "Micro Cement" in 2019, and the rich solid color trend in international beige and black arrays in 2020, to the "715 Natural Replication Series" in 2021, the "918 Nano-matt Marble Series" in 2022, and the Quark Stone and Limestone Series in 2023, each product series release represents a mastery of global trends, craftsmanship, and meticulous consideration of product quality and lifestyle.

07 潮流趋势


作为深耕国际市场14年的高端品牌,纳来瓷砖的产品文件库积累深度高,开发筹备超3W+的原创设计文件库,对未来市场的流行趋势独具前瞻性,为引领国际潮流打下坚实的基础。 As a high-end brand deeply rooted in the international market for 14 years, Nanogress Tiles has accumulated a deep and extensive product document library, with over 30,000 original design files ready for development. Their foresight into future market trends lays a solid foundation for leading international trends.




Anticipating trends, foreseeing key products, and seizing opportunities of the era, Nanogress Tiles is dedicated to creating higher added value. The aim is to secure more stable and enduring dividends for franchisees.

08 国际荣誉大奖


2023 德国iF设计奖




Nanogress, focusing on matte tiles, received the prestigious iF Design Award for its commitment to providing high-quality products. The company deeply understands the needs of designers and channels, continuously improving and innovating products through close cooperation.


2023 德国红点产品设计大奖

今年4月,德国红点奖揭晓2023年获奖作品,纳来·微哑瓷砖传来喜讯,品牌旗下 2款产品( Fiume X Fano )凭借极具创新性和功能性的差异化产品研发设计优势,斩获2023年德国红点设计大奖(Red Dot Award),受到国际评审专家团对于其高品质设计能力的权威认证,进一步彰显了纳来·微哑瓷砖在中国瓷砖行业的领先地位。

In April of this year, during the announcement of the 2023 Red Dot Award winners, Nanogress Tiles brought good news. Two products (Fiume and Fano) under the brand won the Red Dot Award for their innovative and functional differential product development design, showcasing Nanogress's leading position in the Chinese tile industry.


▲Fano 红点2023

▲Fiume 红点2023


Nanogress, on its path to perfection, will continue the craftsmanship's focus and skill, pouring dedication into the pursuit of excellence. Keeping the initial intention alive in quality, it aspires to be the industry's ceiling.

09 门店形象升级




In 2023, Nanogress Tiles' terminal stores have expanded extensively, signing authorization agreements in over 50 cities. With more than 30 new stores making a mark, consumers in Guangzhou and Shenzhen have shown their love, further enhancing the brand's influence!







10 非凡实力





In the current challenging economic environment, the Nanogress team has demonstrated remarkable collective effort, achieving brilliant results. The company's performance has been outstanding, notably, Nanogress achieved its annual target ahead of schedule in November. This success is a testament to the team's unity, hard work, and the proactive approach in responding to market changes and challenges. Continuous innovation and optimization of products, along with improved sales and service quality, have been key factors.

2023年 风雨无阻向前进,扬帆远航正当时 只争朝夕,不负韶华 风口即在 ,纳来之所在 新的征程,欢迎与纳来瓷砖携手迈向美好未来! In 2023, Through wind and rain, we move forward; hoisting the sails for a distant journey at the right time. Seizing every moment, not letting the prime slip away. The wind is right where Nanogress is. In this new journey, welcome to join hands with Nanogress Tiles towards a beautiful future!


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·周一至周六:8:30 ~ 17:30

