





“V办社区”是南京为办网络旗下的线下空间品牌。公司成立于2016年2月,以社群为基础,通过不断创新升 级、打造有市场的办公产品,营造有温度的办公社区, 成为中国领先的为广大实力中小企业提供全生命周期的新型办公空间及服务的专业商办运营平台和消费品牌。

“V Office Community” is an offline space brand under the umbrella of Nanjing. Founded in February 2016, the company is based on the community, through continuous innovation and upgrading, to create market-oriented office products, to create a temperature-based office community, to become China's leading new office space for the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises to provide a full life cycle And the professional business operation platform and consumer brand of the service.


V.BOX办公社区”橙品”位于南京的中央商务区——新街口金丝利喜来登酒店商务楼,因所处繁忙的地理位置,我们考虑是否可以利用空间与设计自然结合的理念来让它显得不那么“焦躁”,创造一个独特、安静、舒适的办公环境。由此,我们决定采用“山水城市”的理念, 把山水形态结合在设计之内,打破传统的办公氛围,不再拘束于单调的环境和陈旧的风格。这也是V.BOX办公社区”橙品”升级的第三代核心理念。

V.BOX office community "Orange" is located in the central business district of Nanjing - the new building of the Sheraton New Street Hotel in Xinjiekou. Due to its busy location, we consider whether we can use the concept of combining space and design naturally. It doesn't look so "anxious", creating a unique, quiet, and comfortable office environment. Therefore, we decided to adopt the concept of “landscape city”, combining the landscape form into the design, breaking the traditional office atmosphere, no longer constrained by the monotonous environment and the old style. This is also the third generation core concept of the V.BOX office community "Orange" upgrade.



About "Shanshui City"


“Can we combine Chinese landscape poetry, Chinese classical garden architecture and Chinese landscape painting to create the concept of “landscape city”? People leave nature and return to nature.”



Organisms with natural and human emotional connections as the core, they can be mountains rather than mountains, water rather than water, clouds rather than clouds; formally eclectic, highly spiritually refined. The idea of ​​a landscape city is a call for nature and life. It comes from a spiritual guide. It is a city of harmony between man and nature, a city full of poetry and painting, and a city that exudes humanity.



The development and construction of the city, from the ancient belief in God to the control of totalitarianism and capitalism, has gradually developed into a modern design concept, and the value orientation and spirit of the city are undergoing such changes. Extending from the inside out, the spatial scale of the city is constantly changing.



We are trying to shrink a city into a space where all the areas and functions of the city, such as streets, communities, gardens, leisure places, etc., are integrated into the concept of joint office.



When we take the scale of a "city", we need to consider its artistry and beauty, but also implement it in "people" to take into account its practicality. What we are doing is to scale down an entire cultural system and create a new environment that blends traditional Chinese landscapes with modern office.



Founder's architecture, blending like rocks, flowing water, mountains... these irregular shapes merge into the space design of our V.BOX office community project.




“For the theme of the city, I have always tried to set up some blank spaces with no clear functions inside the building, making it an opportunity to gather people. These blanks are sometimes 'rotary corridors' from the ground to the air, sometimes people Stay on the way, rest for a moment of 'stagnation' or 'resting place'."

-- Ando Tadao




As Tadao Ando said, we introduce the street into the interior space and set a seating area and a 'square' in it. The office space is set around the 'street', surrounded by 'squares' and 'resting areas'. By connecting them, you can feel that they open a "vent" to the concept of a functional and rational urban space.



Shared area hall, corridor aisle



As an interactive space, the “small garden” and the public walkway sculpt the traditional urban space. Let the office staff relax in this hall in the hustle and bustle of the city and find a feeling of being in the world.



The uniqueness of public spaces, such as streets or plazas, has always been a non-proprietary function. In the streets and squares of the city, people often meet, meet, chat, play, wander, eat and drink. Therefore, public space is the place where people socialize most. We set up such a hall to gather people and connect people.


The “small house” creates a semi-private space with a sense of ritual.


Looking out of the window from the glass, seeing the combination of the new high-rise building in Nanjing City and the old community, is not a kind of internal and external echo.



茶室 卡座区域

Tea room



The aisle's event space creates a street-like casual atmosphere for the office crowd, with tea rooms and decks providing a more relaxed place to work.


Office space



Color is one of the most important factors influencing the style. The gray tonality is mixed with the warm wood color, giving off a naturalistic feeling. Adding the background wall of the geometric color blocks makes the office environment more lively.



Meeting room space


The tense atmosphere may be alleviated by color, wall shape and material selection, so that people are not too rigid or nervous.



“To create a freehand urban space, it is necessary to return it to the traditional natural environment.


The buildings are like a long scroll of mountains and rivers. The tall buildings and the lakes borrow from each other, and the low-rise buildings surround an oasis of the city.


The entire building complex is the same, high and low, and grows out of the environment.


The artificial and natural shades of each other, the landscape is born. ”


The V.BOX space design has the tolerance to cope with social changes and the toughness of connecting time, bringing people together with the city and nature to create a new office space concept.



·周一至周六:8:30 ~ 17:30

